How ships are battling conflict – BBNaija

How ships are battling conflict – BBNaija

This season, the ships in Biggie’s house have been nothing short of a rollercoaster! We’ve watched couples sail from the honeymoon phase to the stormy seas of power struggles, giving us all the premium drama we didn’t know we needed. Solly, ChizBen, Tonita, and Shanni have kept us glued to our screens with their highs, lows, and everything in between.

So, let’s talk ships – who’s your favorite drama duo?

Shanni: Sailing on thin ice 

Shanni’s ship is teetering on the edge, folks! Wanni’s not thrilled with the way Shaun talks to her, while Shaun feels like his emotions are getting the cold shoulder. They’re both feeling unseen, unheard, and it’s turning into a perfect storm of frustration. Wanni even broke down in tears trying to explain her feelings, but Shaun was locked and loaded, determined to stay in the fight. It’s all getting a bit too heated! Luckily, Shaun has a bonus sister wife, and Handi the mediator has been standing on business for her twin and in-law.

Tonita: The age-gate saga 

Anita and Topher have given us “Age-Gate” this season, and boy, has it been a wild ride! Topher’s been sweating bullets ever since he spilled the beans about his real age, without actually spilling the actual beans. As the power struggle phase kicked in, Anita’s reaction to the age reveal left Topher stressed and scrambling for solutions. They tried the whole “give me space” routine, but that just made things worse. Enter Shaun, the mediator, who brought them back together in the party room during Saturday night’s gbedu. Sometimes, it takes a third party to help smooth things over!

ChizBen: The comparison trap 

Ah, the classic case of comparison. Chizoba’s been feeling underestimated, especially when Ben compares her to her sister and other housemates. The drama hit a peak when Ebuka’s live show question revealed that Chizoba isn’t Ben’s “type” because, according to him, she’s not a “baddie.” Ouch! Chizoba’s biggest gripe? Ben treats Anita better than her. But Ben knows the secret to defusing the tension – making Chizoba laugh. Every. Single. Time.

Solly: External forces at play 

When it comes to Sooj and Nelly, their relationship has been tested by outside forces, from HOH guest decisions, Chinwe’s perfectly-timed comments and gist about Nelly’s body and fillers. Nelly’s heartfelt apology regarding the HOH blunder led to their first kiss (aww), but the drama didn’t stop there. Chinwe’s words had Nelly questioning whether she’s stirring the pot, especially considering their relatipnship. More questions regarding pot stirring look  after Sooj’s chat with Shaun about Nelly’s body got back to Wanni. Despite the drama, Sooj and Nelly are keeping their bond tight, refusing to let anything come between them.

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