The house is on fire! – BBNaija

The house is on fire! – BBNaija

After Ebuka’s table-shaking last night, tensions are sky-high, relationships are strained, and the drama is hotter than ever.

The house might be down to fewer pairs, but the drama has only intensified. After Ebuka’s table-shaking antics last night, the housemates have a lot to explain. He dubbed them “ultimate love” and put the spotlight on the various relationships: Aces and Nelita, Ozee’s love triangle, DoubleKay’s jealousy, and the Wanni and Shaun situation. While Aces and Nelita, along with DoubleKay, seem to remain intact, the rest are still reeling from Ebuka’s revelations.

Shaun and Wanni’s ship has been the highlight of the season, with the pair unable to keep their hands off each other since the start. However, things have taken a turn for the worse, and they’re currently not on speaking terms. Handi has stepped in as Wanni’s spokesperson to Shaun, while Ocee has urged Wanni to be the mature one and communicate, explaining how men think. “I am done,” Wanni declared, even stating that Shaun no longer qualifies as an alpha male due to his handling of conflicts.

Shaun landed in hot water when he confronted Wanni, calling her high and violent during a fallout with Handi. Although Wanni and Handi have reconciled, Shaun and Wanni’s relationship seems to be crashing and burning. Is there still hope for them?

The triangle

Victoria is quietly fuming after Onyeka accused her of wearing short skirts to catch Ozee’s attention. She feels like she’s being portrayed as a schoolgirl with a crush, which she insists isn’t happening in the No Loose Guardhouse. Ironically, Chizoba told Biggie in the diary room that it’s actually Onyeka who’s always positioning herself near Ozee, like at the gym. When Onyeka tried to deny it, Biggie backed Chizoba up. Ebuka’s table-shaking added fuel to the fire, leading to Onyeka earning the nickname TUT (The Ultimate Test) from Ozee and Ogee – they just want to get in peace.

Ozee and Onyeka clashed over Ebuka’s revelations, and he later retreated to Victoria, who revealed how often she’s been asked about her dynamic with him. Ozee warned the guys to stay away from Onyeka, saying she’s all about drawing attention by dancing solo, though he pretends not to notice. Is this the official end of the O2 ship?

Victoria did not finish her conversation with Onyeka on the matter, and she did not share her honest thoughts about it either. Is a serious conversation pending? 👀

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